Install the CSF Firewall on Linux

Requirements A Linux server with ip/xtables installed and running. Any of the following distributions installed RedHat/CentOS/CloudLinux 5-7, Fedora, openSUSE, Debian, Ubuntu, Slackware. What is CSF? CSF is a set of extension scripts to iptables on Linux, that integrates with various control panels and Linux distribution packages to enhance the security standing of your server, for example… Continue reading Install the CSF Firewall on Linux

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TeamSpeak Server on Linux/BSD

Generic Linux Install Instructions Create a new user to run the TeamSpeak server under, this is very important so you keep processes separate from each other. adduser teamspeak Switch to the teampseak user su teamspeak Download the latest Teamspeak server from wget Unpack the archive tar xvjf teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64-3.8.0.tar.bz2 Change directory to the folder… Continue reading TeamSpeak Server on Linux/BSD

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