Redis sockets in cPanel and CloudLinux CageFS

Install Redis normally Add the user to the Redis group usermod -a -G redis YourUserHere Open up the CageFS mount points file nano /etc/cagefs/ Add the Redis folder to the mount points. /var/run/redis Enable the socket in the Redis config file nano /etc/redis.conf Add the following: unixsocket /var/run/redis/redis.sock unixsocketperm 770 Every time you restart Redis… Continue reading Redis sockets in cPanel and CloudLinux CageFS

Can a Raspberry Pi run a TeamSpeak server? How about any ARM CPU?

TL;DR, Yes! Today’s ingredients: A Raspberry Pi 4, the older 3B+ should also support 64 bit, this process would work equally well on any ARM64 device that can run a Debian based OS however. Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit), this will not work directly on the 32 Bit OS, but you can try using box86 as… Continue reading Can a Raspberry Pi run a TeamSpeak server? How about any ARM CPU?

Simple steps you can take to help secure your Linux server

There’s a lot of blog posts around the internet with a lot of steps you can take to “hack proof” your server, while these tips are not going to make your server “hack proof” they will enhance your security profile, especially against automated scanners and exploiters, which rely on some of these simple things to… Continue reading Simple steps you can take to help secure your Linux server

Categorised as Linux

Mullvad Split VPN with SOCKS Proxy

This process should be similar for any other VPN providers that have OpenVPN servers, Private Internet Access and NordVPN are known to have this feature. Edit your OpenVPN config from Mullvad and add the following line at the end pull-filter ignore redirect-gateway Your VPN config will look similar to client dev tun resolv-retry infinite nobind… Continue reading Mullvad Split VPN with SOCKS Proxy

Categorised as Linux

Ubuntu 18.04 OVH VPS IPv6 Setup

With IPv4 addresses nearly exhausted everywhere the world could really use some more IPv6 adoption so here’s a handy guide for getting IPv6 to work on your OVH Ubuntu VPS’s, although this guide should work equally well on any VPS/Dedicated server host. At the time of writing this there seems to be a bug in… Continue reading Ubuntu 18.04 OVH VPS IPv6 Setup

Categorised as Linux

Installing phpiredis on cPanel and CloudLinux

You may already be familiar with this message if customers have contacted you previously about messages from their Laravel installs predis/predis suggests installing ext-phpiredis (Allows faster serialization and deserialization of the Redis protocol) For anyone that uses Laravel you’re probably using the Redis for caching, but for optimal performance Laravel recommends the use of the… Continue reading Installing phpiredis on cPanel and CloudLinux

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