- A VPS or dedicated server with at least 1GB ram and 20GB SSD and a single core.
- A working SSH client to connect to your shiny new server.
- A server with either CloudLinux or CentOS installed, version 6 is still supported but we’ll use CloudLinux 7 because it’s far more up to date and has the best security profile, be aware CloudLinux does cost money and you need a license..
- A cPanel license if you plan to use it for more than the 14 day trial period.
How to install cPanel on your Dedicated Server or VPS
(OPTIONAL) if your connection is unreliable it’s advisable to run your install through the screen program, which will protect you if you disconnect.
yum install screen
screen -S cpanelinstall
Ensure you have Perl install on the system, this should come as standard but some VPS providers will ship slimmed down images.
yum install perl
Ensure you have the correct hsotname set for your server, we’ll use for this example but you should have a fully resolving hostname
hostnamectl set-hostname
Change to your /home directory on your server
cd /home
Download th ecPanel install script
curl -o latest -L
Run the install script
sh latest
Allow the script to run, now is a good time to fetch some Irn-Bru while you wait, this process may take up to an hour depending on how fast your server is. If you ran the install in a screen session you can now disconnect from the screen by press Ctrl + D. After the installation you should be able to visit the WHM/cPanel admin interface at https://<your IP address here>:2087
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